For the major project, I chose Marine Science for the field of study. One of the learning outcomes was that people people in the major will be able to “communicate effectively in both oral and written format to convey their scientific knowledge,” (Major Page 4). This shows part of an enriched major perspective to the course by the social aspect. Boyer tells the reader that an enriched program answers the question of: “What are the social and economic implications to be understood?” (Boyer 223). The social aspect of this learning outcome is the ways of communication to others. This is important not only to work with others to solve problems, but to share ideas with the world.
In the mission values section for my chosen major, it talks about wanting students to “foster science literacy, and critical thinking skills and lay down the foundation for lifelong learning,” (Major Page 1). This follows with Scheuer’s connections about critical thinking in a liberal arts education. Scheuer actual mentions in the context of critical thinking and inquiry with jobs requiring the skill set “we all have to deal with them, whether as art historians, economists, or biologists,” (Scheuer). I think this is an important connection because Scheuer highlights the basic need for critical thinking and how involved it is in the real world.
For one of the course descriptions, the UNE webpage describes MAR 167, which is an Aquaponics Workshop as to “give individuals confidence to design and run a system,” (UNE courses). This focuses on the science and applications of data to systems instead of focusing on liberal aspects. In Boyer’s work, he states, “If a major is so narrow and so technical that it cannot be discussed in historical and social implications. . . then the department is offering mere technical training,” (Boyer 223). Because this course is exactly what Boyer is describing in the quote, the course is more of a vocational study than part of the enriched major.
Works Cited
“Marine Science.” Marine Science, 2021,
Scheuer, Jeffery. “Critical Thinking and the Liberal Arts.” AAUP, 18 Nov. 2015,
“U-ONLINE University of New England Online Information Service.” Catalog Entries, 2021,