1 Minute Podcast Project

This is my podcast: 1 Minute Podcast (podbean.com) I learned that podbean was just for publishing your podcast, and not editing it. I had originally downloaded all of my separate audio files and tried to put them on podbean with no success. This is when I had to go back into Audacity to edit and …

Pages 99-132 Reading Questions for Coates

3 Photos of annotations: 1. “For the men who needed to believe themselves white, the bodies were the key to a social club, and the right to break the bodies was a mark of civilization. ‘The two great divisions in society are not the rich and poor, but white and black,’ said the great South …

Pages 72-99 Reading Questions for Coates

1. “I knew that Prince was not killed by a single officer so much as her was murdered by his country and all the fears that have marked it from birth,” (Coates 78). Why might Coates see the killing of Prince Jones in this way? Or, how does shifting the focus from the actions of …

Pages 39-71 Reading Questions for Coates

1. Three photos of annotations: 2. Why does Coates refer to Howard University as his Mecca? What does mean by “the crossroads of the black diaspora,” (40)? Coates refers to Howard University as his Mecca because it is where his world opened up. Coates describes Mecca as “a machine, crafted to capture and concentrate the …

Pages 1-39 Reading Questions on Coates

1. “Race is the child of racism, not the father,” (Coates 7). What does Coates mean by this? Why does Coats use language like “believing themselves white” or “raised to be white” What Coates could mean by “Race is the child or racism, not the father,” (Coates 7), was that racism is not only is …

Revising and developing Major Exploration Project

Peer Feedback: One strength in my essay was providing textual evidence and points. This helped me with providing the evidence portion of my essay, which is important when backing up the commentary and claims. The evidence is a strong base on how I usually develop my paragraphs, so it is good to know that the …

3 Paragraphs for Project 2

For the major project, I chose Marine Science for the field of study. One of the learning outcomes was that people people in the major will be able to “communicate effectively in both oral and written format to convey their scientific knowledge,” (Major Page 4). This shows part of an enriched major perspective to the …

Major Learning Outcomes + Questions

The major I chose to explore was Marine Biology/Sciences. Parts of this track connects well with Boyer’s enriched major idea, while other parts do not. The Marine Sciences track seems more like a career education rather than a broad education due to the course requirements. Most of the classes students have to take are science …

Academic Extra Curricular Activity (II)

For this event, I went to the George and Barbra Bush Distinguished Lecture Series. Jean Becker was the main speaker for the event, she wrote a book on George Bush, documenting their time when she was his Chief of Staff. In this lecture, Jean Becker shared many great stories and highlighted President Bush’s time out …

Boyer Reading and Connections

The central tension that Boyer discusses in his chapter is the benefits of combining the liberal arts with career and vocational schools to make a new type of learning, the “Enriched Major” idea. Boyer states, “Courses alone do not bring coherence. Faculty must provide the enlightening and integrative foundation so essential to a successful undergraduate …
